Monday, September 23, 2013

Find a Woman Your Own Age Humbert!!!

After reading Part 1, I'm beginning to become aggravated at the fact that Humbert is not interested in woman his own age. He spends majority, if not all, of Part 1, speaking to how successful he is and all of his academic pursuits. It's not that he can't get a woman his age, its the chase and unexpectedness of charming a young girl that "sparks his fire!" 

After last class's discussion of the Annabel and Humbert sexual encounter on the beach, I began to doubt the details of Humbert's past experiences with her (annabel). His proof of the incident occurring is not any real evidence worth consideration. More of an illusion or fantasy if you ask me. His uses the Annabel situation almost to cause the audience to have a sympathetic expression towards him. His joy with Annabel will never be fulfilled with Dolores, because he is not the young boy that he use to be. He is attempting to recreate experiences and emotions with Dolores that will never be mutually returned to him in the ways in which he is looking for. I'm interested to continue reading to see if he ever realizes this himself or admits it.  

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